
Monday, November 14, 2016

What the Shit, America?

Ah yes, the week is new. As many (all) of you know, the US elected Trump to be the new president. It should be noted that I stayed awake until 1 AM to see who would be elected. That resulted in a whopping four (4) hours of sleep. Little known fact, I talk and think like I am drunk when I get less than five hours of sleep. I slurr my words, I don't pick up on humor, and it takes me a half-second longer to hear/comprehend/respond to anything anyone says. I was talking to my assistant (yeah, I got an assistant. Didn't know I had a real job, doing real shit, did you? That's right. Suck it.), and I was describing this situation. I then started to wonder, is this what other people feel like?
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At the risk of sounding like the asshole that I am, I like to think that I have a fairly sharp whit. I like to make snarky, asinine little quips that have a string of intelligence and a string of  absurdity. Typically they are offensive, but I say it like it is and I call people out on their bullshit (myself included). Anyways, I was thinking a lot about last week.

Last week, in the days after the election, it felt like America was on the unfortunate end of a one-night stand. You know what I mean. It was like, on Election Day, we as a country decided to get schwasty-facedd, and selected a candidate. And much like a one-night stand, we woke up in the morning thinking, "What the fuck did we just do?" And sure enough, we looked over, and there was Trump in our bed. And suddenly we realized that we made a terrible mistake. Everyone who had their beer goggles (or crack-shades) on, suddenly saw the nasty side of the Trump movement (hello Alt. Right aka KKK aka Neo-Nazi party). And suddenly society didn't know what to do. Trump was still sleeping next to us, in all of his orange glory. And suddenly the question is, what's next? Do you stay and fix breakfast - maybe some eggs, or pancakes - and see if it is not that bad? Or at least pray for a fast breakfast? Or do you sneak your hung-over ass out the door, trying to keep your louder-than-normal belt from waking him up, on your way to a friend's place (Canada, eh!)?
We are nearly one week past the election, and there have been some interesting events. Trump has given several interviews, indicating that he may be far more neutral on the political spectrum than people anticipated. Voters are realizing that, in an effort to get big business out of office, they elected a big business owner. And most troubling, the Alt Right (read: KKK, Neo-Nazi, other hate groups) have been empowered. The saddest part about Trump's election is not Trump, himself, but those that he inspired. I have seen and heard of more and more hate crimes in America. More in the liberal towns, and more in the conservative towns. I fear for my friends, who span every race, religion, gender, orientation, etc. At the same time, I pray that this will have a positive influence in the US. Hopefully those snakes that have haunted the bushes will reveal themselves. Hopefully those monsters, hidden in the dark, will have the light shed upon them. And hopefully, those ignorant to the struggles of American minorities will be made aware of the plight.
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I know I started this post off humorously, and I wish I could end it the same way. Unfortunately, I find the situation troubling. And so I will leave this message to anyone reading in the US, and for those abroad. To anyone experiencing hate, know that you are not alone. For those who are afraid, know that you are not alone. For those that need someone to talk to, know that I will provide an ear to listen and a shoulder for tears. And for those that would see hate and fear done unto others, know that you will not succeed.

This is an interesting situation for America. Hopefully we will overcome these dark days, and learn just how great America truly is.
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And if not, we can always vote Kanye West for president in 2020.
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Because, fuck it.

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