
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Baby Daddy 18: This Is Us (also, What the Shit, Turkey?)

Oh, man. Or woman. Or whatever the fuck you identify with. Or whatever the fuck you don't identify with. Yesterday started the week, and it was an interesting one. Politically, some Turkish person assassinated the Russian Ambassador to Turkey. Now I'm sorry, but if I was Turkey, I'd be busting my ass to make nice. I know Russia can be a bit of a dick (ask Aleppo), but you don't go up to a goddamn bear and poke it with a stick. Especially when that bear is a vodka soaked, Communist country that is literally twice your population and a fuck-tonne larger land mass.
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I mean, seriously? That's like me going up to the biggest motherfucker in the UFC and gut-punching him. I may get that first hit in, but I know I am going to wake up in a hospital, with half of my property destroyed. Evidently 2016 said, "I'm going to be the shittiest year", and 2017 said, "Hold my drink..."
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Well that's my commentary on that little event. In other news, my wife has entered into the third trimester. That's right, my son will be born in less than 100 days. And what does that mean? It means that the first trimester symptoms are back. It's "Trimester 3: Revenge of the First". The good news is that my wife has acid reflux, rather than morning sickness. The bad news is that her mood swings are fucking intense.
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Word of caution, don't watch This Is Us if your wife is prone to mood swings. I will give a brief spoiler alert. I won't share much about the show, but there may be a few details. For instance, the first episode shows a complication in the birth of triplets, the adoption of the third child, a man seeking out the deadbeat dad that abandoned him at a fire station, and the emotional roller-coaster of all these different people. It is tremendously well filmed, and is humorously touching in a way that works.
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When you have a preggers wife, however, this provides a catalyst for a yo-yo of mood swings. At one point, my wife saw a scene, and started to identify with it. No, it was not the complicated birth scene. In fact, it was the deadbeat dad scene. Why? I don't know. My wife's father is not on drugs. He did not even abandon her as a child. But for some reason, she started switching from laughing hysterically to sobbing.
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As soon as I saw the transition start, and my wife's lower lip start to pout, I immediately switched into support mode. I know I cannot do shit to help, but at least I can try. At one point, her lower lip was pouting out so much that I actually tried to push it in with my finger. Of course, that lead to her upper lip protruding. I then see-sawed between the two for about 20 seconds, before I finally gave up.

Moral of the Story: Turkey done fucked up, and my wife wants to reconnect with her (non-existent) deadbeat, coke-head father.
Image result for third trimester meme

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