
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Baby Daddy 20: Fear of The Dark and First-Aid

It just so happens that this post is about how my wife and I plan to help our kids. Everyone knows that there are going to be times when we have to be strong for our children. I acknowledge this. I accept this. I also believe that some of these times will be easier than others. Case and point: injuries.

Why do I mention injuries? Because last night I pinched my thumb between a 35-lb plate, and the barbell. And as you can imagine, I cursed like a motherfucker. My nail instantly bruised, and I had sudden images of the nail dying and falling off. Are you revolted? Good. Now you know my pain. Not really, but maybe.
Image result for smashed thumb meme
Anyway, when I told my wife about this - and showed her the thumb nail - she immediately gagged and looked away. As it turns out, my wife has the same aversion to blood and injury that I do. At that point, we realized that I will have to be the one that takes care of our kids' cuts and scrapes. Why? Because my wife will immediately look away and start saying, "No, no, no, no, talk to your father, no, no, no, no." At that point, I will have to administer the first-aid. Unfortunately, the site of cuts and scrapes makes my tushy quiver. And so I will administer first-aid, but I will not have the ability to sit when I do. I will also end up constipated for at least a day. 

And looking at it, that's okay. My wife is going to be much better suited for other matters. Case and point: fear of the dark. 

No, I am not talking about the Iron Maiden song. Don't get me wrong, I love the song, but I am talking about the actual fear. As soon as our kids mention a fear of the dark, my wife plans to give the explanation provided by Elon Musk:
Image result for elon musk fear of the dark
That's right. In cases where our kids have a fear, my wife is going to science the shit out of it to nullify that fear. I will likely have a different reaction. Mine will likely follow the explanation of Cyanide and Happiness:
Image result for cyanide and happiness fear of the dark
Moral of the Story: I'm in charge of first-aid and my wife is in charge of anything that can be explained scientifically. Also, this is the song I referenced:

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