
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Alpha as Fuck, Part 2

Part 2! Here...we....go.

So this brings about the question, "how do I get Alpha as fuck?" Well, I'll tell you. I don't know. That's a lie. I do know. I have seen countless (which really means, like, three) videos on this, and each one has the same message. Being Alpha means having knowledge and confidence in yourself. Now take a moment to think about that. Look at the times that you have had the most *personal* success. It may be in getting a job/promotion, it could be accomplishing a physical feat, or it could simply be getting through a shitty-ass day. Even better, look at the times that you had the best, most rewarding experience, by yourself. Everyone has had a moment. It might be figuring out the solution to a problem, cooking a wonderful meal, or simply going for a nice walk.
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Now tell me. In those experiences, were you yelling and whooping and hollering? I'm not talking about the celebration afterward, but in the act of accomplishment. Were you acting like a hummingbird on meth, or were you rather calm and collected? Were you acting nervous, or were to presenting yourself with confidence? When you walk alone in a garden, are you timid? If you have a mortal fear of bees, like my wife, then maybe. But assuming there are no bees, or other allergens, I'm willing to be you are relaxed and confident in your ability to walk.
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That's the key secret. Being confident. Keep in mind that confidence is not arrogance. It can be, but that is not what I am talking about. Self-confidence is knowing that you are capable of accomplishing whatever task you have in front of you. Confidence is knowing that, even if you struggle, you will succeed. In most cases, people don't even fucking know that they are confident. They do their shit, and have no earthly idea that they are kicking ass. And that leads to the next part, which is self-awareness.
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In fact, take a moment to think about how you are, reading the shit I'm writing. Just take a moment to be self-aware. I'm not saying to be self-conscious, or self-critical. Just be self-aware. Consider who you are, and what you do. As you develop this self-awareness, you can start to harness it. You can start to evaluate how you will act, how you will react, and what the outcome will be.
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I can tell you that I am Alpha as fuck right now. I can also tell you that I actively switch into more of a Beta state when I write my shit. In fact, the funniest stories I tell come from writing in a Beta state. Why? Because it's funny as shit to cut loose. Even so, I work to control it. If I were to live my life in Beta, I would be talking shit about that motherfucker Steve, who was a punk-bitch for eating the last dumpling. Now in reality, I don't know or interact with anyone named Steve, and nobody took the last dumpling. Mainly because I'd have eaten the dumpling and their goddamn hand at the same time. See what I did there? Beta. Reactive. High energy and intensity.

And now I'm fucked. This post is not quite long enough to be satisfying. At the same time, I have a clean break in the action. Fuck it. Check out Alpha as Fuck, Part 3 for the next installment.

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