
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Alpha as Fuck, Part 3

Boom! Part 3.

Now I can tell you, working and striving to be Alpha is a process. And as you do it more and more, you get better and better. As you get better at slipping into Alpha, it also gets easier to modify into whichever state you need. I'll use training as an example. I have another post coming that will elaborate on this, but one example is the deadlift. When I deadlift heavy, and I mean heavy, it puts me in a Beta state. For those that don't know, the deadlift taxes the entire central nervous system (CNS). As a result, I get jittery like a motherfucker. My adrenaline gets pumping, my heart gets jumping, and I feel like I'm on coke. Disclaimer: I've not actually tried coke.
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What do I do to prevent this? I breath deeply and listen to calming music. It allows me to slow my pulse, calm my mind, and focus on the lift. I take out the ego, take out the mind, and focus on letting my body do what I know it can do. There are other training times when you want to let yourself go. If I am doing a sprint, trying to go as hard and far as possible, as quickly as possible, then you bet your sweet as that I am pushing myself into Beta. Click the link below, to see a heavy deadlift to Adele.
Image result for hafthor bjornsson deadlift to adele
The same happens when I am fighting in Krav. I work hard to maintain Alpha. Why? Because I need that calm and focus. With that said, there are certain occasions that a Beta approach is better. I have sparred many people, using a "crazed" Beta approach. Why did it work? Because I allowed myself to be loud, aggressive, and chaotic. It added a psychological component to the fight, which forced my opponent to hesitate. Transferring that energy into an attack, I was able to overwhelm them with strikes. Notice in the video below, how the instructor blends the Alpha mentality of decision making, with the Beta mentality of attack. Note: This is not me in the video, and I am not this good (yet).
Now with all that being said, I can still tell when I am slipping into Beta. It happens at random times. I may have a long day at work. I may have a short day at work. I may wake up a certain way, or fall asleep a certain way. Regardless of the trigger, I have learned to recognize when I am slipping into a Beta state. This also happens to be when I am the most reactive, combative, and hypersensitive. When that happens, I step back. I isolate myself from interacting with others, so that I can regather my composure. Sometimes I still fuck it up. Even so, I work to correct myself, and then correct my actions.
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Now why did I mention this? Because I slipped into Beta, got shitfaced, and ended up buck-ass naked in the tub. Read my second Baby Daddy/What the Shit, China crossover episode. But something good came from that. Noelle made the comment that she gained satisfaction from the story, because I always have my shit together. Little does she know that I ain't got shit together. I have literally been white knuckling it, praying not to fuck up beyond all reason (FUBAR). BUT! I have been working to maintain an Alpha state of mind.
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The final bit is the responsibility of the Alpha. Being Alpha is great. It is. You have confidence. You give negative fucks (fucktosynthesis!!). You feel genuinely, appropriately powerful. At the same time, being Alpha means that you are a fucking Alpha. If you are going to be the big, bad wolf, or the King/Queen lion, you need to be ready to look after the pack. Taking an Alpha role means that you are accepting the Alpha consequences. I fucked up last weekend. I acknowledge it. I accept it. And I corrected it. I am owning my fuck up, and making it right. That is Alpha. Being Alpha is recognizing a potentially dangerous or volatile situation, and taking precautions to prevent it. Being Alpha is showing up, helping people, when they need it. Just as being Alpha means that you embody fucktosynthesis, you also have to give all the fucks. You can harvest power from the fucks that don't matter, but you sure as shit need to use that power to give fucks for the people that do.
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Moral of the Story: Know yourself, be confident in yourself, and achieve Alpha status. Also, you can be Alpha as Fuck without having your shit together.

For further listening, here is a great video that discusses "being Alpha". He says the same shit I do, but adds a bit more of a hippie-dippie perspective: (warning: possible language).

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