
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Transformation, Protests, and Other Dribble

I know!! I've been gone for so long. I feel like I am in that Dr. Dre song, where he was gone for so long. That keeps mixing in my head with the song that goes, "My boyfriend's back, he's gonna save my reputation. Hey na, hey na, my boyfriend's back". Of course, it makes you wonder what her reputation is, and why she needs her boyfriend to save it. I see this going one of two ways. One, people doubted that the "boyfriend" existed. In reality, his name was "Hoover" and he was a vacuum. Two, the boyfriend is back and that shows that the woman was loyal to him. If that's the case, it makes you wonder what happened that she was accused of being a hussy. And yes, I said "hussy". Because there are classy ways of accusing people of sleeping around.

Image result for vacuum cleaner boyfriend
(Maybe her boyfriend's name is "Hank")

In other news, and speaking of sleeping around, I watched 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. It is a thoroughly depressing show about a girl who was bullied until she kills herself. And no, that's not a spoiler. I watched it so that I can be prepared to understand what kids experience. Why? Because I need to be prepared for my kids to experience that shit. And I need to know what people did wrong in this girl's life. To be fair, I imagine that Hollywood gave a romanticized version. And to be fair, that show was fucking brutal. I mean, damn. Be ready. But I digress.
Image result for 13 reasons why
So what is the purpose of my post today? Read the goddamn title. Seriously. My kid is around 6 weeks old now, and I am finally getting through part of my transformation. People say that kids will change you. They don't say that they will fuck your world up. I mean, damn. I was training in Krav with a guy, who happened to be training with his teenage son. I happened to be talking to them after a night of not sleeping. When the kid asked how it was, I turned to him, and said, "You need to know, at least once in his life, your father hated you. Don't get me wrong. He loves you, and would take a bullet for you, but at least once in your life he hated you. That deep, soul crushing hate.' Of course, the kid's father was next to him as I said this. The father said he never hated his son, but there was this one time....
Image result for hate  baby gif
And that's how it is. Every parent, whether they admit it or not, has hated their child(ren) at some point in their life. In other news, my wife and I went to the Science March. For those that don't know ("Oh you didn't know? Your ass better call somebody!"), there was a Science March to raise awareness that political denial of scientific fact does not change said fact. Now this was an exciting time. Why? Because it was my wife's first protest. That's right, she did something that most Chinese people will never be able to do: protest without fear of a tank.

Of course we had fucking great signs. For those that don't know, the "I Give A..." sign shows the mathematical equation for flux. So it literally says, "I Give A Flux About Science". The other one is just a simple history lesson. The first cure for syphilis was discovered in 1910, as a derivative of penicillin. So there you go. We not only shared science, but history. And boy, did people appreciate it. We continually got the same two reactions to our signs. Older people saw the STD sign and laughed because they survived it. Younger people saw the STD sign and laughed because they knew they were safe to be hussies. People 5-10 years older than us gave us dirty looks, and that was because they had little kids asking what an STD was. HA!

Moral of the Story: I'm back and I am hoping to write stories more frequently. Also, I did not take the time to thoroughly review this for grammar and shit. Read the stories, watch the video links, and be happy. Suck it.

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