
Monday, May 15, 2017

Reflux and My Return

Ah yes, I finally ave time to write again. My wife is wrapping up her research (for now). I have achieved Level 3 certification in Krav Maga. Work is settling down, before ramping up hard. My wife and I have a tenuous grasp on our companies - trying to bust ass on a website for one, and trying to prepare for business for another. And while I am doing this, I am slowly nurturing the concept behind yet a third company. My editing job has simmered down for the summer, and the kiddo is starting to sleep more. On a side note, we learned that our child has reflux. So not only does he sometimes look like a grumpy old man, he also has the digestive tract of one. Good for him....I guess?
Image result for baby puke meme
On another note, I have been trying to write this goddamn post for three goddamn weeks. Do you know what that means? It means that I have enough one-liners to write a book and few stories to write a post. What the shit am I supposed to do? Well I'll tell you. Nothing. This is going to be a relatively short post, as I am going to start writing more in the near future.

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