
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Wonder Woman, Paris, and Spinners

Brazil!!! You hit my shit up 32 times!! I even got a hit in Israel and Azerbaijan. Ain't that some shit? This was a good week. Saw Wonder Woman with the wifey. That's one of those movies that pisses you off, because it shows how shitty the previous DC Extended Universe (DCEU) movies were. Wonder Woman made me want to be a woman. To that, my wife commented that nobody would date me and that I would be a slut. 
Image result for wonder woman
Trump has indicated his desire to leave the Paris Agreement. My wife and I are watching House of Cards on Netflix, and recognizing where certain characters are tailored to reflect real politicians. We are also lamenting over the fact that House of Cards seems far less far-fetched than actual politics.  At least we are stuck in the Paris Agreement until after the next election. 
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In other news, I get to start Level 4 certification in Krav next week. From what I hear, this is where I learn to catch bullets with my teeth and block knives with my glutes. I've been incorporating more calisthenics into my training. I know I may get a bit weaker, but I am getting more balanced in my athleticism. Speaking of training, I have given thought to setting up a new page for training based blog articles. At the same time, that sounds like work. And I don't need to work more. 
Have you ever had it when you were talking about something, or going to talk about something, and then you forgot what it was? And suddenly you start rambling, because you are desperately clinging to whatever-the-fuck was in your head that you wanted to share, but can no longer share? That's where I am, right now. I wanted to share the Wonder Woman story because it made me chuckle. The other stuff doesn't really mean shit to me. I mean, it does, but it doesn't really mean shit to y'all. Well it might, I guess. That's really for y'all to decide. Look at me. I am still fucking rambling. 
Image result for meme forgot what you wanted to say
Did you know that they have these things called "Fidget Spinners"? I don't understand what the shit they are, but people are slapping their mamas over it. From what I can tell, its a cheap-ass piece of plastic that has parts that spin, and then it was made to look cool. Do you know what I know? I know that the person that filed to trademark or patent (?) the toy fucked up their paperwork. Someone else then snuck in and took the trademark/patent. That's right, someone got fucked out of a whole lot of money. Great and dick-ish thing for the one person to do, and shit luck for the other person.
Image result for spinner toy
See? I'm still rambling. I feel like there was an inappropriate reference in whatever story I was going to share, but I cannot be sure. I have some Baby Daddy stories coming down the pipeline, once I am ready to write them. The irony is that I started off with a story about my wife calling me a slut, transitioned to politics, and then again to calling someone dick-ish, and I am saying that the story I want to tell is inappropriate. The frustrating part is I STILL DON'T REMEMBER MY GODDAMN STORY!. Fuck.
Image result for meme forgot what you wanted to say
Moral of the Story: My wife slut-shamed me and I don't even remember the story I wanted to share. 

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