Speaking of which, and completely unrelated, I have a serious issue with bicyclists. I understand that the law states you ride your bike in the traffic lane. With that said, if you have a 3 foot (1 meter) shoulder to ride in, RIDE IN THE GODDAMN SHOULDER! Just because you have skin tight clothes and a padded butt-seat doesn't mean that your goddamn Lance Armstrong! All it means is that you won't have a chaffed ass after biking! Seriously. I understand riding in the traffic lane, if the shoulder is negligible. But if you have enough room to stay off the road, then get off the fucking road. Otherwise I have to veer into oncoming traffic to get around you. Why? Because it's 6:30 AM, I need to get to work, and you are riding 10 MPH on a 50 MPH road. If you cannot maintain at least 50% of the posted speed limit, you should move your candy-ass over. And you know your sore-ass is going to become a sorry-ass, when the time comes to go home.
On a different note, we have two or three bunnies living in the forest behind our house. I must say, it is always refreshing when you get ready for work and see animals. I know rabbits are not particularly special, but they are a nice change of scenery from the standard cats, dogs, and crows. Speaking of getting up, I was awake at 0420 this morning. Not only that, but I was alert. Now I know what you're thinking. "Who the fuck gets up at 0420?" I'll tell you, not me. I got up at 0430. Why? Because I like to lift heavy things. And if I get up at 0430, I get to move a lot of weight and start my day with an accomplishment. And guess what? It's worth it. In the course of 29 days, I've added 120 lbs to my deadlift. My goal is to hit a 400 lbs deadlift this year, on my way to a 500 lb deadlift, in general. And the best part? I'm lifting that shit multiple times. There's something magic and weird about the fact that I consider 300 lbs to be "light weight".
On a different note, I feel compelled to say something about Russia, Israel, Canada, and China. So..."something." On another note, my father has started reading my blog. He was talking and said he started reading something online. He then said, "I think you would like this blog. The author basically says what he thinks, and if people disagree, then fuck 'em." On that same note, my mother has been recommending my blog to various people. Sometimes I think, "Should I write this? My folks will likely read it." I then answer myself, "Self, that shit's funny. You bet your ass you should write it. Don't be a punk-bitch." And speaking of punk-bitches, my wife's cat has been staying with my mother-in-law, while she is in town. I went to visit, and the cat ran and hid. It's good to know that I still have Alpha status with him. It should also be noted that my mother-in-law feeds him a LOT of food. He has, in turn, gotten a much larger jelly-belly. He is one beard and red suit away from being Santa Claws. And now I want to find a red suit and beard for the cat. Why? Because I want to see that cat's face when he's in the suit. You want a "fuck you" face, that's how you get it.
Moral of the Story: Joker eats Reese's peanut butter eggs, road bicyclists suck, and I want to deadlift 500 lbs. Oh, and our cat is going to be Santa.
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